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Monday, September 30, 2019

[Mrs. Y Reviews] Don't Bank On It Sweetheart by Michael N. Wilton

I know this is going to sound so silly, but this book was fun for me to read. Today I am reviewing “Don’t Bank On it Sweetheart” which is written by Michael N. Wilton and came to me thanks to the friendly people at BooksGoSocial. I get their emails from NetGalley, and this story caught my eye immediately.

My first impression, the idea of a bank robbery book blending slapstick comedy and socially awkward situations, pretty much has my attention. This book quickly could become a film (and should in my opinion), and I think that it’d be a hit. It’s funny, it’s somber at times, it’s gruesomely awkward at other times, and I love it.

Let me go into a critique here, and the first one I have falls in the “Story Structure, Foundation, and Presentation” portion of my scoring system. There were a few tiny grammatical errors I found. I am not talking about the accent dialog, just some basic stuff. The problem is they happen in specific spoiler area, and I do not want to give spoilers, so I’m not going to provide examples. That said, they are few and far between, but there are enough of them that I am noting it.

With that said, let me go into what I loved about “Don’t Bank On It Sweetheart,” and the first is under the “Whole Story” portion of my scoring system. I love how well done the story was and resolved the story elements in the book. “Don’t Bank on it Sweetheart” is a one and done stand-alone story, offering satisfaction in every piece is not only enjoyable to the reader, but it is a relaxing experience for someone who reads all the time. I just loved how there was considerable effort put in that every element had an answer. Even side character issues that should be throw-away moments had fulfilling story-arch progression.

Next, under “Story Structure, Foundation, and Presentation” on Kindle, this was wonderful. I did get my coffee from NetGalley, so your copy may be different, but it was perfect. The margins are crisp, the reading is easy, the default settings are well lined, and it was fantastic. Under “Story Structure,” precisely, the story was paced perfectly, and the tension elements were terrific. Character tension was so well balanced to the pacing, and the tension of the story on its own was fantastic. Where it’s light, there are light-hearted moments. The tension for the comedy is necessary at times for the story to progress, which I found wonderful to read. I love how the slapstick moments were plot-related, not just haphazardly placed.

Under the category of “Cliche Much,” I am so pleased to say the cliche of “big dog big problems” was unique and plot-important. I am impressed by how a character like Ben became incorporated into the plot so well. I found everything about his motives and the way he operates to be realistic and well set. Overall he was a wonderful character that I got to enjoy.


So with a happy heart, I am pleased to report that “Don’t Bank On It Sweetheart” has a score of 87/100, which is a four-star review on Amazon and Goodreads. I think you would love this book if you love dogs, action-adventure, and slapstick moments in your crime stories!