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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

[Mrs. Y Reviews] Beneath It All: A Collection of Poems by K. Wendt

Poems are more than just beautiful words that are lyrical and rhythmic. Poems can make us feel emotions; we may not realize we need to feel until we read them. Today I have a poetry collection for you all, and I hope you enjoy my review. Gather around the Blue Bonnets, enjoy the warmth of the sun. It’s time for a review of Beneath it All: A Collection of Poems by K. Wendt. 

Welcome back on this happy Tuesday everyone. Today we are reading a collection of poems that I picked up with my daughter Little Y, at the “Take 190 Book Festival” that was in Killeen Texas. My daughter chose this book because she loves poems just like I do.

Let’s start with the first impressions of the book. The book is as beautiful to read as the cover. Rhythmically the prose is very well done. I found it easy to understand and get lost in words. There are both short poems and longer ones to enjoy. The poems take a range from very light-hearted topics to heavier ones of spirituality.

For this next part of the review, I’m going to go into a couple of critiques. My first fall into the “Story Structure, Foundation and Presentation” portion of my critiques. For the physical copy, there are times the margins are done in such a way that the sentence and cut off to the next line.

Now I’m going to go into what I truly loved about “Beneath it All - A Collection of Poems.” Firstly, did you see how beautiful the cover and illustrations were? They are beautiful! I had spoken briefly to K. Wendt, and she does her covers, and they are beautiful. I’ve seen many covers from Indie Authors, and hers are perfect for the subject in this book. The illustrations inside are well drawn and fit the poem snuggly to what the topic is. While I understand this is about anesthetic, it is an important thing I want to point out. We feast with our eyes, as much as our taste buds, and we do judge books by their covers. This is beautiful inside and out.

Next, let’s talk about the grammar, spelling, punctuation, and appearance of the poems. Aside from a couple of margins created issues, this is a beautifully crafted and edited collection. Real-time and effort were put in, and there is some semi-colon goodness inside of it the writing. I am honestly blown away about how good this is. Sometimes with poetry, you do not get proper grammar or punctuation, and that is because of stylistic choice. However, when I see that someone took the time to put in proper punctuation, I like to celebrate it. That’s no easy task, and we really should be positive about punctuation.

Lastly, the one thing I think that is the most beautiful part of the book was how I felt when I was done reading it. This book touched my soul. I am not having the same feelings on God and spirituality that K has, but I am in total understanding of why these poems are flavored the way they are. I understand the deep needs they generate, and I came away feeling very good.

I asked my nine-year-old daughter what she felt about the poems. Some of them she told me she didn’t quite understand, and they were the deeper meaning ones. Others, like the Blue Bonnet poem and the one about the Dad, those touched her little heart. She is a daddy’s girl too, and she related to that poem the best.

Overall, this is a beautiful collection, and I do think it’s just right for a day with rain and a nice cup of tea or coffee.


To score today, I’m using my math here, and I find that “Beneath it, All- A Collection of Poems” has earned a 92/100 which is a Five-Star review on Goodreads and Amazon. This is also on Kindle Unlimited so be sure to check it out! The link to Amazon is on the book cover link on my blog here.

Have a beautiful day my friends!