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Monday, December 31, 2018

[Mrs Y Blogs] December to Remember 31 book reviews in 31 days. [Recap and Title List]

Picture from Aaron Burden aaronburden [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Hello everyone!

Thank you for joining me on this month-long journey of reading.

It was a pleasure for me to read and review so many different kinds of books during these 31 days. I learned a lot about myself, I learned a lot about the craft of writing, and I took away from this much joy.

If you for any reason want to catch up on anything I reviewed this month, I'm going to give links for each day with the title of that book.

Lastly, I am going to take the week of January 1 to January 6 off. This gives me six beautiful days to rest my eyes, and recharge. From there, when I start back up on the 7th, my reviews will be Monday - Friday only. While I do love the weekend reviews, I noticed it was taking me away from things I also love, namely the little Y's. They don't mind sitting near me while I read, but every single day sometimes eight hours at a time, even that got boring to them. I need to get some sunshine and do other stuff with my weekends.

And yes, you may see me from time to time with my Goodreads progression tag on Twitter open a book on the weekend. Let me assure you if I do it's while I'm relaxing. I won't be reading because I have to on the weekend, only because I wish to.

I want to take a moment, and thank all of you who read my reviews. I got on Twitter actively around June, and since that time I've been welcomed. I wanted to read 100 books to improve my ability to be a writer, and in the process, this landed with me. Reviewing books feels natural to me, and I love doing it. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, but I think that most of you can see I really do care about this task.

Professional reading and amateur book reviewing is my favorite thing I've ever done for a job. It's not a real job because I'm not paid, but it's a job of my heart. I do this because I want to help writers get reviews, and I am happy to do this.

 I've made some terrific friends on Twitter in the process, learned so much about the craft of writing, and also the art of reading. Book reviewing is indeed a beautiful thing to do, a worthy and honorable thing to do with my time.

In the coming year, I want to expand a bit. There are lots of writers who do not get enough reviews that are substantive, namely poets, comic books and of course, cookbooks. I wish to undertake more than just indie books, but also perhaps poetry books later in the year. In February, I intend to tackle the difficult challenge of reviewing works everyone knows, books in the public domain and that are considered classics.

Without further ado, here is my list from December to Remember. Thank you to all of the Authors who both asked, and didn't ask, for these reviews. You each have a piece of my heart, and I hope you all enjoyed this.

For today and all of the days to come, I send you my best wishes and hopes.

-Mrs. Y

December 31, 2018

December 1 - Hotel Sacher
December 2 - The Monastery Murders
December 3 - Dancing at Midnight
December 4 - Fetch
December 5 - Hate Notes
December 6 - Homework Hell to Help
December 7 - Creating Character Arcs
December 8 - Just One Wish
December 9 - Sensible
December 10 - Traitor Knight
December 11 - Shadow of the Raven
December 12 - Sugar Plum'd
December 13 - Father of Storms
December 14 - A Young Man's Game
December 15 - Fate of the Watchman
December 16 - Tears of Heaven
December 17 - Garvey's
December 18 - Narrator Review KC Johnston
December 19 - Salvage Title
December 20 - Deep Cosmos
December 21 - We Are Mars
December 22 - The Dawn Warrior
December 23 - Innocent Bystander
December 24 - Nora From the Hollow
December 25 - Twelve Christmas Memories
December 26 - How Not to Piss off Your Nurse
December 27 - Songs for Madeleine
December 28 - Adam's Witness
December 29 - Broken Through
December 30 - From Chaos Comes Order
December 31 - A Confession